Take care of, serve, protect

Our Vision

To be a pono brand, rooted in aloha, serving our team and all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A Makiki.

Our Mission

Inspire BIG, Add Value, for Always ‘Ohana

Inspire BIG

We encourage all to pursue and achieve their greatest goals by providing skills, resources, and confidence to pursue these ambitions. 

  • Bravery - Be courageous in expected and unexpected opportunities 

  • Innovation - Find new ways to excel and challenge outdated processes

  • Growth Mindset - Never settling for minimums

Add Value

Identify and build the talent, time, treasure, and touch we all have and find ways to be generous.

Always ‘Ohana

Ensure that we are always pouring into our local community while being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. “A rising tide will raise all boats.”

Our Core Values



Taking care of all that has been entrusted to us in our lives and through large and small interactions with our community.


Clear and honest interactions which promote the focus of common goals.


Showing genuine care for ourselves and others in all that we do.

Continuous Growth

The mindset that we can always improve ourselves, others, and processes to exceed expectations and challenge status quos.


We are a product of what we continuously do, so why not do your best?

“No goal is too high if you climb with care and confidence.”

- Truett Cathy

Winning Hearts Every Day

We win hearts and care for our community every day through four focus areas.

Join Our Team Today!